Statistically, most people live till an average age of 80 years. Although this number varies across cultures and nations, we cannot deny that life is still all too fleetingly short. 80 years a lifetime translates to 80 summers and 80 winters - to love, laugh, live, and make the most of our time on this earth. Far too often, when faced with our mortality, we look back at our lives and think of all the things that could have been different. Regret may sometimes be inevitable, but it is still possible to live an unlimited life with the limited time that we have. In this issue, we look at some of the ways we can do so. | Living Life To The Fullest Is Something Everyone Should Start Doing No matter who a person is, what they are currently doing, how much money they have in the bank, and so on, everyone can start living life to the fullest. You just never know what may happen in the future, so taking advantage of the time you have now is very important. There are many ways to live your life to the fullest while also being a responsible person. The many ways below will hopefully allow you to love life and teach you how to live life to the fullest. | Why it’s crucial to understand the purpose of money in your life Once you know your financial purpose, write it down. Stick it on your fridge. Carry it with you. Memorise it. Use it whenever you need to make sure you’re using your money as a tool to support the life you want to live. We get one shot. Spend time deciding what you want out of life and choose how to use your money to support it. Live the life you’ll be proud to look back on without regret or remorse. | This Is How Short Your Life Is | Proudly Brought to You I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers. | Jerry Toh | | | | unsubscribe | You are receiving this email because you're my client, a friend or you've given permission to receive this email. If you'd rather not receive our emails, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking 'Unsubscribe' above. © Jerry Toh, All rights reserved. | | | Yin Peng (Lazada, Vice President) I was introduced to Jerry by his wife 8 years ago. Back then, I was quite skeptical about financial advisor. However Jerry won me over with his professionalism, dedication and expertise.
Today, Jerry is my go-to person for all sorts of issues. He is a very warm and caring person. He had helped me solve / advise me on issues where I could not make up my mind or I have doubts on.
I am so glad that our path crossed and I am very grateful to have him as a friend! I would not hesitate to recommend him to my friends who are in need of financial advice! | | | Danial Loke (Year 3 AIA FSC, Year 3 SUSS Undergraduate) Jerry is a leader that leads by example. Not only is he generous with the knowledge that he possesses, his team is his priority which is really assuring. When we need guidance during JFW, he never fails to be there. | | | Shengmin & Vivian (Director & Co-Founder of The Editor's Market) It was apt that at the intersection of responsibilities as well as financial planning, we were acquainted with Jerry approximately in 2012, when our 1st child was born. Usually heavy topics that encompass disability, critical illness, hospitalization and estate planning, Jerry shares his knowledge in a comprehensible fashion always with a smile.
His service orientation towards his clients is a breath of fresh air and I believe many of his clients’ experience would mirror mine. He responds to queries and follows up promptly in a manner that is consultative and not intrusive. Most importantly he listens with an intent to help navigate your current financial situation with your best interest in mind! | | | Francis Tan CEO & Co-Founder Garden Picks Food Manufacturing LLP Jerry have been my go to Financial Advisor for both my business and personal insurance related matters for the last 9 years. Throughout this time, his knowledge and wisdom have helped me and my company build a secure safety net so I can focus on my business and family life with a peace of mind. His team efficiency and service is commendable and I would recommend him to anyone without hesitation.
Keep up the good work!
| | | Hong Yang (Year 6 AIA FSC) Ever since I joined Jerry back then in Oct 2017, he has always been a role model that I looked up to in all aspect. Other than being a leader and a father of 3 girls, he is in the Product Committee & ALMA. On top of all these, he is also a producer in AIA. Despite having to handle so many things, he never once turned down his mentees and FSCs that approached him for help. Instead of spoon-feeding his consultants with direct answer, he would guide the consultants by giving them “homework” to do then learn from it. With all the stuffs that he is currently taking on, I am really in awe with his time management, self discipline and mental strength. To me, Jerry defines “Extraordinary”.
“The difference between Ordinary & Extraordinary is that little extra.” | | | Sarinah Mohamed (senior MOE educator) Jerry is not only my financial advisor, he is my trusted friend for many years. We were colleagues when Jerry was working at MOE.
I have been with Jerry since he first started out in the insurance industry. That is more than 15 years ago. I can vouch that he will explain all the important details of the policies to his clients. You can ask anything and everything, he will answer. His patience is tremendous. Jerry advocates that protection and savings policies are of outmost importance in building up your insurance portfolio. If you are not sure or do not understand the clauses in the policies, please ask. In terms of making claims, he will help you through. Definitely a highly recommended and trusted financial advisor!
I am happy with all the advice he has given me all these years with respect to insurance policies. You are in safe hands. After so many years, we’re family.
Jerry bukan hanya perunding kewangan saya, beliau adalah rakan saya yang boleh dipercayai. Saya telah berkawan dengan Jerry lebih dari 15 tahun. Kami adalah rakan sekerja semasa Jerry bekerja sebagai seorang guru di MOE.
Saya telah membeli polisi insuran dari Jerry sejak dia bermula di industry insuran lebih 15 tahun dahulu. Sebagai perunding kewangan, Jerry akan menerangkan semua klausa dalam polisi insuran yang anda ingin beli dengan terperinci. Anda boleh tanya macam macam soalan, Jerry akan menerangkannya. Kesabarannya tahap tinggi. Jerry selalu menasihati polisi insuran pelindungan and menyimpan wang adalah yang paling penting dalam membina portfolio insuran anda. Jika anda tidak pasti atau faham klausa-klausa di dalam polisi insuran anda, jangan malu untuk bertanya dengan Jerry. Jika anda perlu membuat tuntutan, Jerry akan menolong anda seterusnya. Jerry adalah seorang perunding kewangan yang boleh dipercayai.
Saya banyak berterima kasih dengan Jerry kerana selama ini, beliau banyak memberi nasihat yang baik sebelum saya membeli polisi insuran. Anda berada di tangan yang selamat. Sekian lama, kami adalah sekeluarga. | | | | |