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Jerry Toh

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A Monthly Curated Newsletter

What the eyes cannot see is bringing countries to their knees as we write. The full impact of Covid19 is still unknown. It has ushered in a new reality for the World. Our lives will never be the same again. And Covid19 won't be the last. While we #fightasone, let's see how we can prepare ourselves and our children for this new future - together. Here are some good reads that I believe can help us rethink this new future and its possibilities. If you find these resources useful, please forward them to those you care about, especially at a time such as this. Cheers!

3 ways the coronavirus pandemic could reshape education

In a matter of weeks, coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed how students are educated around the world. Those changes give us a glimpse at how education could change for the better - and the worse - in the long term.

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Coronavirus offers "a blank page for a new beginning" says Li Edelkoort

The coronavirus epidemic will lead to "a global recession of a magnitude that has not been experienced before" but will eventually allow humanity to reset its values, according to trend forecaster Li Edelkoort.

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Coronavirus Is Our Future | Alanna Shaikh | TEDxSMU

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in creating a safe financial environment for their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Jerry Toh
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Sarinah Mohamed (senior MOE educator)

Jerry is not only my financial advisor, he is my trusted friend for many years. We were colleagues when Jerry was working at MOE. I have been with Jerry since he first started out in the insurance industry. That is more than 15 years ago. I can vouch that he will explain all the important details of the policies to his clients. You can ask anything and everything, he will answer. His patience is tremendous. Jerry advocates that protection and savings policies are of outmost importance in building up your insurance portfolio. If you are not sure or do not understand the clauses in the policies, please ask. In terms of making claims, he will help you through. Definitely a highly recommended and trusted financial advisor! I am happy with all the advice he has given me all these years with respect to insurance policies. You are in safe hands. After so many years, we’re family. Jerry bukan hanya perunding kewangan saya, beliau adalah rakan saya yang boleh dipercayai. Saya telah berkawan dengan Jerry lebih dari 15 tahun. Kami adalah rakan sekerja semasa Jerry bekerja sebagai seorang guru di MOE. Saya telah membeli polisi insuran dari Jerry sejak dia bermula di industry insuran lebih 15 tahun dahulu. Sebagai perunding kewangan, Jerry akan menerangkan semua klausa dalam polisi insuran yang anda ingin beli dengan terperinci. Anda boleh tanya macam macam soalan, Jerry akan menerangkannya. Kesabarannya tahap tinggi. Jerry selalu menasihati polisi insuran pelindungan and menyimpan wang adalah yang paling penting dalam membina portfolio insuran anda. Jika anda tidak pasti atau faham klausa-klausa di dalam polisi insuran anda, jangan malu untuk bertanya dengan Jerry. Jika anda perlu membuat tuntutan, Jerry akan menolong anda seterusnya. Jerry adalah seorang perunding kewangan yang boleh dipercayai. Saya banyak berterima kasih dengan Jerry kerana selama ini, beliau banyak memberi nasihat yang baik sebelum saya membeli polisi insuran. Anda berada di tangan yang selamat. Sekian lama, kami adalah sekeluarga.

Chris Maik (MOE Educator) & SiQi (Homemaker)

Jerry is much more than just our financial advisor. Ever ready to meet with a friendly smile, Jerry understands our concerns and constraints, and regularly keeps in touch to find out if we need to make adjustments as we go though the different phases of our family life. Friends of ours have got to know Jerry through us and they all have positive experiences with him too! His vast knowledge and experience in almost all things Singaporean adults go through makes Jerry a great person to ask advice and recommendations from. Thank you!

Nady Yang (SUSS undergraduate)

It was a fruitful session with Jerry! It was eyeopening as it was my first time meeting a financial advisor and I didn’t know what to expect. But he patiently shared and educated me all the plans and the possible financial paths and decisions I can make now for the future. Jerry also made the policies' jargons easy to absorb and I think I now have a clearer view of the steps I should take to reach my goals. Overall, I look forward to learning more from him. Jerry, you again for taking out your time for this session 😆

Shengmin & Vivian (Director & Co-Founder of The Editor's Market)

It was apt that at the intersection of responsibilities as well as financial planning, we were acquainted with Jerry approximately in 2012, when our 1st child was born. Usually heavy topics that encompass disability, critical illness, hospitalization and estate planning, Jerry shares his knowledge in a comprehensible fashion always with a smile. His service orientation towards his clients is a breath of fresh air and I believe many of his clients’ experience would mirror mine. He responds to queries and follows up promptly in a manner that is consultative and not intrusive. Most importantly he listens with an intent to help navigate your current financial situation with your best interest in mind!

Andy and Angel (Founders of Wheel Angel)

Jerry was introduced by our best friend who assured us that he's the bestest person in his industry. When we first knew Jerry we felt immediately at ease. We shared our concerns, financial backgrounds and our needs for insurance with him. He treats everyone like his closest friend and he shows compassion, knowledge and wisdom. Jerry is a typical example who goes beyond and above even though he is the boss himself and doesn't put on any airs with any clients, big or small. My wife and I place our complete trust and faith with him not just as an insurance agent but as a lifetime friend!

Rayney Chew (Retiree, ex-DSO staff)

I met Jerry through a friend many years ago where he took over my policies as my financial advisor. He is very knowledgeable about his work and is able to explain the policies to me in simple terms. He is a professional individual and has been a dedicated advisor as he shares and reviews my policies regularly. It assures me that my family's policies are also taken care by him. I also had some great advice from him in terms of financial and long term life planning. Thanks Jerry for the meetup! As well as helping to take care of my family's policies over the years!🙏🙏🙏