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Jerry Toh

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Women have long played a huge part in our society and economy. When it comes to uplifting women, the work extends beyond just international women's day or month. In fact, it requires continuous effort from not just leaders, but also every day folks like us to recognise and appreciate the great potential of women in our lives. In this issue, I'd like to share insights on how we can be enablers of women's progress while staying aware of the realities and struggles they may face. I hope this helps us in empowering the women and girls in our midst.

Women’s Voice: How to encourage female leadership in an organisation

Women may not realise how poised for success they are in leadership roles.

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7 Brave Steps to Become Fearless

Growth and comfort can’t ride the same horse. It’s a lesson that holds true for all of life. What we want most will always require embracing discomfort and taking action despite our fear that we'll fail or fall on our face. In the end, there is no substitute for courage, no shortcut to bravery. To become the person you most need to be and create the life you most yearn to live, you must be willing to do the things that scare you. Again and again and again.

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Teach girls bravery, not perfection | Reshma Saujani

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Jerry Toh
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Sarinah Mohamed (senior MOE educator)

Jerry is not only my financial advisor, he is my trusted friend for many years. We were colleagues when Jerry was working at MOE. I have been with Jerry since he first started out in the insurance industry. That is more than 15 years ago. I can vouch that he will explain all the important details of the policies to his clients. You can ask anything and everything, he will answer. His patience is tremendous. Jerry advocates that protection and savings policies are of outmost importance in building up your insurance portfolio. If you are not sure or do not understand the clauses in the policies, please ask. In terms of making claims, he will help you through. Definitely a highly recommended and trusted financial advisor! I am happy with all the advice he has given me all these years with respect to insurance policies. You are in safe hands. After so many years, we’re family. Jerry bukan hanya perunding kewangan saya, beliau adalah rakan saya yang boleh dipercayai. Saya telah berkawan dengan Jerry lebih dari 15 tahun. Kami adalah rakan sekerja semasa Jerry bekerja sebagai seorang guru di MOE. Saya telah membeli polisi insuran dari Jerry sejak dia bermula di industry insuran lebih 15 tahun dahulu. Sebagai perunding kewangan, Jerry akan menerangkan semua klausa dalam polisi insuran yang anda ingin beli dengan terperinci. Anda boleh tanya macam macam soalan, Jerry akan menerangkannya. Kesabarannya tahap tinggi. Jerry selalu menasihati polisi insuran pelindungan and menyimpan wang adalah yang paling penting dalam membina portfolio insuran anda. Jika anda tidak pasti atau faham klausa-klausa di dalam polisi insuran anda, jangan malu untuk bertanya dengan Jerry. Jika anda perlu membuat tuntutan, Jerry akan menolong anda seterusnya. Jerry adalah seorang perunding kewangan yang boleh dipercayai. Saya banyak berterima kasih dengan Jerry kerana selama ini, beliau banyak memberi nasihat yang baik sebelum saya membeli polisi insuran. Anda berada di tangan yang selamat. Sekian lama, kami adalah sekeluarga.

Francis Tan CEO & Co-Founder Garden Picks Food Manufacturing LLP

Jerry have been my go to Financial Advisor for both my business and personal insurance related matters for the last 9 years. Throughout this time, his knowledge and wisdom have helped me and my company build a secure safety net so I can focus on my business and family life with a peace of mind. His team efficiency and service is commendable and I would recommend him to anyone without hesitation. Keep up the good work!

Rayney Chew (Retiree, ex-DSO staff)

I met Jerry through a friend many years ago where he took over my policies as my financial advisor. He is very knowledgeable about his work and is able to explain the policies to me in simple terms. He is a professional individual and has been a dedicated advisor as he shares and reviews my policies regularly. It assures me that my family's policies are also taken care by him. I also had some great advice from him in terms of financial and long term life planning. Thanks Jerry for the meetup! As well as helping to take care of my family's policies over the years!🙏🙏🙏

Wilert Goh (Founder at WoodAndWalls)

"I came to know Jerry through my brother Andy about 3 years ago. I remember I was intending to get some plans for my workers and seeking business advice too. Not long after, my missus and I have a daughter going to be enrolled into Primary School soon, we were looking for a savings plan that could aid her future education. Therein lies the connection between Jerry and my family. And my business too :) Jerry is not the first adviser I knew and before knowing him, like many I've had unpleasant experiences not only with the advisers themselves but certain plans that did not turn out ideal for us. So before I met Jerry, my brother knew my expectations and he wasted no time in referring him. Now if there is an overachiever(Jerry hope you don't mind my using of the term! I meant well) in the Financial Advisor/Insurance line, this man is the personification of the aforementioned term. I place good emphasis on details when it comes to my line of work and I serve my own customers with vigour and passion so in a way, I hope I was accorded a similar service. Jerry patiently fed me so much information that I became gleefully overweight in my head. I totally welcomed that with joy. He explains the plans and dispenses advice not from a personal profitability POV but with my interests at heart. To cut the long story short, I was immensely impressed by his passion, his neverending thirst for knowledge and not least his love and care for his clients. I do not have many people I can readily turn to for advice on almost anything. Jerry is definitely in that list"

Matthew (MOE Educator) & Rebecca (Full-time tutor)

Jerry was my (Rebecca) classmate in university and has always come across as a warm and helpful friend. Today, also as our financial advisor, he continues to give timely advice and a listening ear to our concerns. There were instances where we consulted him and his unassuming nature and objective perspective encouraged us greatly in our decision making process. We are thankful that our paths have crossed and we would not hesitate to recommend him to family and friends who are in search of a trusted and reliable advisor. Thumbs up for Jerry!

Darryl Lim (SIM undergraduate and advisor to be)

Jerry has been my family’s trusted financial planner for many years. This all began when he aided my parents with their motor insurance. Unnecessary insurance costs were cut and it helped in the growth of my family business. Jerry, caring and knowledgeable, would always respond swiftly to the needs of my family. It is unfortunate that my family had to made a few claims over the years. However, with Jerry’s meticulous financial planning, all claims thus far were successful and it has greatly brought peace of mind to my family. Further, with proper financial planning that Jerry has provided, my parents will be able to retire with a comfortable sum of money for them to enjoy retirement to its fullest. These have showed me the works of comprehensive financial planning and how it aids in bringing peace to the affected individual and family members. Being a people’s person, this showed me how I materialize the empathy I have for others through this career.